Reservation - TAIYO Men's Spa

+81 66-241-3511
Opening 12Pm~11Pm

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Reservation Request
Cancellations cause a lot of inconvenience for therapists and other clients on the waiting list.
Dear customers, due to the large number of cancellations, please refrain from making reservations when you are unsure.
Other clients have their reservations rejected because we have a limited number of therapists and availability of appointments.
Bookings will be canceled when the email is incorrect
Last reservation around 21:30
For your comfort, start your massage course before 21:00

1 - My email address is valid
2 - I know I need to arrive 10 minutes early so as not to cause inconvenience
3 - The reservation system is automatic and my reservation will not be processed if the email is incorrect
4 - Delay without notice may cancel my reservation
5 - I must communicate as soon as possible in case of cancellation
6 - I read the TAIYO Spa policy before making the reservation

Change therapists will only be possible in the following case.

1. When the custome did book the wrong therapist.
2. When the customer arrives late.
3. When the customer makes the booking date and time wrong.
4. When the therapist is not qualified for the requested massage course.
5. When the therapist cannot come to work due to health problems or reasons that prevent them from working as described in our rules on the TAIYO Spa Home Page.

In addition to the cases mentioned above, we will charge a fine of 50% of the value of the massage course to the therapist who was canceled if the client insists on making the change.

If the client requests a change of therapist, even if there is no affinity with the new chosen therapist, the money will not be refunded.


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